Windows KMS

Check information registered in dns: nslookup –type=srv _vlmcs._tcp.subdom.domain.rootdom

Move Installer folder from systemdrive to save space (SSD)

Windows use space on systemdrive for almost never used installation files. You can easily move those from your expensive SSD to a cheaper datadisk:

Run cmd as Administrator, and use the following commands:
mkdir D:\Junctions\C\Windows\
move C:\Windows\Installer D:\Junctions\C\Windows\
mklink /J C:\Windows\Installer D:\windows\installer

You can also free up space by:

  • Disabling hibernation, the hiberfil.sys.
  • Deleting C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP file
  • Deleting Java Cache (Java controlpanel, General, Settings, Delete files)
  • Upgrade Machine Code fails due to ongoing DMP

    Upgrade Machine Code Wizard fails with the following message: “The system cannot be upgraded at this time because a Directed Maintenance Procedure is in progress.”

    No “Directed Maintenance Procedure” is going on…

    Ok, try login to service console for all the controllers in the cluster (two in case of v3700/v7000) and restart the web server.

    You find the service console IP under settings, network, Service IP Addresses. Choose Node canister and click on nic 1.

    Service console is acceccible at https://{service console ip}/service

    Click “Restart Service” in the menu and choose Web Server (Tomcat). Push the Restart button.

    Network tests with powershell

    Since vista the telnet client isn’t installed by default, wich makes sence since nobody uses it. Oh, wait, some use it for network testing. Instead of installing the telnetclient for doing network tests you might use powershell instead:
    Test-NetConnection -port 80

    Offline disks/missing disks after vmware upgrade hardware (Windows 2008R2 Enterprise Edition)

    VMWare describes this problem here:

    To prevent this from happening set the SAN policy before the virtual hardware upgrade:
    SAN POLICY=OnlineAll

    Set it back afterwards if unsure…
    SAN POLICY=OfflineShared

    More info here: